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Bioengineering Hands-On Workshops





Apr. 12, 2022
Bio-engineering on the river valley trails near Devon. Photo: Associated Engineering
Bio-engineering on the river valley trails near Devon. Photo: Associated Engineering

On May 7 and 14, 2022, Associated Environmental and the Town of Devon present an opportunity to learn about ecological restoration using soil bio-engineering to restore and stabilize steep slopes and eroding stream banks.

Bio-engineering offers an economical and sustainable method of stabilizing slopes while promoting successional reclamation of disturbed sites.

This is a free one-day event intended to support community watershed resiliency and to offer hands-on training for those interested in learning about the fundamentals of this technique. These workshops are recommended for ages 12 and up and will take place rain or shine so be prepared for all weather conditions.

RSVP by contacting Taylor Lowe at lowet@ae.ca or 587-643-8538.