Our Team

Meet the Board

Meet the Staff

Brian has spent the past 25 years bringing people together to work on common priorities for achieving sustainability on the landscape. Working throughout the diverse landscapes of Alberta, Brian has partnered with individuals, organizations and all levels of government to design and implement conservation and stewardship programs that benefit landowners, land managers and biodiversity.

Bio coming soon.

Pamela grew up in rural northern Alberta. Much of her passion for the environment stemmed from growing up with her Métis and Ukrainian ancestry in experiencing both traditional and modern land use practices. She has a Degree in Environmental Management from University of Alberta Augustana Campus and a Diploma in Land Reclamation and Remediation from Olds College. With an academic background in conservation and stewardship, environmental education and ecology, and professional background in various sectors such as oil and gas, parks and recreation, laboratory/research, and non-for-profit organizations, this broad foundation of experience supports her passions to engage and collaborate with those seeking positive relationships with the environment through continued education, outreach and conservation/stewardship practices. Pamela is thrilled to be sharing experiences, stories of living on the land and connecting with youth, Elders, partners, communities and establishing lifelong relationships.

Kristina thrives on working with organizations and companies to bring order and efficiency to their communications and marketing programs, services and activities. With strong roots in and years of experience working with companies and associations in Alberta’s food, agriculture, environment and conservation communities, Kristina brings a unique perspective and understanding of the needs and expectations of organizations in these sectors.

Niabi has extensive local and international experience in content creation, editorial publications, and digital media and communications. She finds peace in writing, and rejuvenation and inspiration from the natural world. As an advocate for social and environmental justice, Niabi values contributing her writing experience to advocate for grass-roots community stewardship efforts and collaborative action.

Milena grew up in rural northern Alberta and has a Master’s in Resource and Environmental Management from Dalhousie University and a degree in Biology from the University of Alberta. With a professional background in stewardship outreach, environmental education and project management, Milena is thrilled to be working with rural municipalities and landowners to promote and facilitate stewardship initiatives on privately-held acreages and recreational properties across the province through the Green Acreages Program.

Bio coming soon.

From working in the corporate world as an executive secretary to lending her bookkeeping skills to small businesses, Jennifer Nestoruk has worked in a variety of industries and businesses. While she is new to the world of conservation and stewardship, Jennifer is eager to jump in with both feet. She’s passionate about conserving our landscapes and protecting the environment.

Bio coming soon.

With years of office administration experience to her credit, Mary knows that efficiency, good workable routines and excellent records management are essential to the success of any organization. She is keen to assist Land Stewardship Centre in whatever capacity she can, but her focus is putting well-organized, supportive administrative functions in place to ensure that the office runs as smoothly as possible.