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David A. Cheyne, RPF


Dave is currently the Chief Forester for Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries (Al-Pac); a kraft pulp mill in northeast Alberta. He is a professional forester (University of Toronto) and also holds a masters degree in business administration (MBA).

In his Al-Pac position, Dave is responsible for the FMA Area’s Forest Management Plan and is also a key employee within the company, for retaining Al-Pacs’s Forest Certification Council (FSC) certificate for the mill’s woodlands activities. Dave is a past president of the College of Alberta Professional Foresters.

He has lived and worked within the boreal forest region in four provinces and been involved in most aspects of forest management; including silviculture, forest inventory, growth and yield, harvesting systems research, and timber supply analysis.

Dave also spent six years in eastern Canada developing investment feasibility plans for the forest products industry. Dave is also an active “old-timers” hockey player and a certified referee for Alberta Hockey.