Meet a Board Member: Jim Gendron
Get to know the people behind LSC
Successful organizations don’t just happen – they are created, nurtured and guided by people. Land Stewardship Centre (LSC) is fortunate to have a strategic, innovative and forward-thinking Board of Directors that positions us as a leader in the field of environmental stewardship. Today, we introduce you to another one of the committed individuals who is part of the team that governs the organization. Meet long-standing board member Jim Gendron.
Jim Gendron’s interest in park planning and open space management was first ignited during his time at Macdonald College of McGill University, where he majored in renewable resource management. This interest followed Jim into his professional career working as a park planner in Prince Edward Island, then a tenure with Alberta Recreation & Parks, followed by several years working at Alberta Energy and Natural Resources.
“All of these experiences contributed to an applied interest in natural resource management and I developed an aptitude for park management, policy and programming,” shares Jim, who is currently the principal at LTG Consulting.
He decided to share his talents and experience with the non-profit sector and became a director on the board of Land Stewardship Centre (LSC) in 2005.
“I was offered the opportunity to join LSC. I liked what the organization stood for and the programs that were both underway and being proposed,” says Jim. “I definitely thought, and still feel, that it’s a valuable organization to volunteer with.”
Jim has served on the LSC board for 15 years and he is currently chair. Through his steadfast commitment and assistance with board recruitment and community engagement, Jim has enabled LSC to thrive and navigate various challenges throughout the years. He views time spent volunteering as a great experience and sees LSC’s innovative shared-services partnerships with the Beaver Hills Biosphere and EcoServices Network as an opportunity to build on mutual strengths to create success.
“It’s the mix of skills and diversity of thought among board members and the excellent administrative leadership provided by our Executive Director, Brian Ilnicki and the LSC staff which make LSC such a great organization to volunteer with,” Jim offers.
Jim has demonstrated a long-term commitment to LSC but he also serves in other capacities to better his community, including volunteering on the board of Infill Development in Edmonton Association and the Finance Sub-committee of the Board of Governors for Concordia University of Edmonton.
We appreciate all that Jim has done for Land Stewardship Centre and all who give their time and talents in assisting non-profits thrive, especially amid these challenging times.
Learn more about our Board of Directors.